Student Research Opportunities
- Please talk to any faculty members to ask if they have space for you to get involved in their research.
- Explore research as an undergraduate (REU) opportunities across the nation. This internship opportunity will be the best experience for you to get exposed to state of the art research at research-oriented universities and national labs.
- American Physical Society (APS) also has resources regarding internships and fellowships for undergraduates.
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)’s Research Internship in Science and Engineering (RISE) program recruits students in US Universities to conduct internships in German Universities or Industries.
- Various National Laboratories across the country have Department of Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI).
- Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) lists various opportunities for undergraduate students to explore.
- Pathways to Science has a listing of various summer research opportunities, fellowships and other opportunities for undergraduate students.
- IBM has a summer internship for women and underrepresented minorities.
- Become an intern at NASA. There some opportunities for international students from some countries as well.
- Fermilab has summer research opportunities some of which also accepts application from international students.
- Some other private industries also offer summer internship programs for a Physics major. You can use job search engines or go to the career section of the website of the industry that you are interested in to find opportunities for Physics Majors.
Graduate School Resources
- Graduate School Shopper has detailed information about various graduate programs in Physics & Astronomy.
Industrial Career Resources
- APS Careers has job listing for physics and astronomy graduates at different level. Please talk to any faculty members to ask if they have space for you to get involved in their research.
- Society of Physics Students (SPS) has resources for physics students to help them learn about their career options.